In Person
Attend one of the HTA's events and submit the Membership application at the registration booth. Your application will be processed and you will be duly informed.

Please use "Online Signup" in Membership Menu.

Thank you,
Harrisburg Telugu Association Management

Dear Members,

HTA is a registered non-profit organization with commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

At this time we would like to update all the members about the association objectives, membership and its benefits. Please take time to read through it.

1. Objectives of HTA

  • To cultivate, promote and foster the exchange of ideas and understanding between the peoples of Telugu and other cultures.
  • To increase the knowledge of Telugu culture and language amongst the children.
  • To promote fellowship and to provide, organize and participate in cultural and social functions.
  • To promote interaction and networking amongst Telugu families of Harrisburg Area.
  • To provide support for new Telugu families moving into Harrisburg area and nurture their development.
  • To associate with Telugu associations across the country and to represent ourselves in other associations within the community.

2. Membership

  • We see HTA as a member based organization. Memberships are a key part of maturing this organization to take it to the next level.
  • Any person or family interested in the Objectives and Activities of the HTA can become a member by paying the membership dues. ◦ Yearly family membership : $35
  • Yearly Single membership : $20
  • Life membeship: $350 (Senior $250)

  • **Non-Members and Guests would be charged $20 per adult for appropriate events.

    Note: For summer event food is free for members.

3. Member Benefits

  • As a member you will be recognized and credited for the HTA achievements.
  • Most of the exclusive HTA events, like Ugadi, Summer Picnic would be for members. These events may include Food and Prizes etc.
  • Members would get to place advertisements on web at discounted prices.

4. Planned Future Membership Benefits

  • Members would get discounted price for special events, which include renowned artists, performers, celebrities etc.
  • An exclusive classifieds section on the web would be available for members.
  • Quarterly HTA Newsletter.
    Members would get to participate in planned sporting activities like Table Tennis, Volleyball, Badminton, and Tennis etc.
    We will update you on additional member benefits as we move forward. Please keep checking our website ( and your emails for any other communications from us.

Please feel free to contact any office bearer for any questions/concerns on member benefits or in general.

We sincerely thank you for your continuous support.

HTA membership is open to anyone interested in Telugu culture. Please find below the means to become a member.

By Mail
Download the Membership application (Membership_Application.doc) and mail it to the address below.

Harrisburg Telugu Association
3507 Market St, Suite 101
Camp Hill, PA 17011


HTA Links

About Us
President Message

HTA Activities

Charity Programs
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About Harrisburg
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Online Signup
Member Benefits
Member Updates

Contact Us

Call Us

HTA President
Mobile: 717-315-8944

Phone: 000 000 0000

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